The current education system is more or less based on some rigid rules which we have been following since time immemorial. Frankly, it is quite outdated and does not fit the need of today’s generation. The world has been harping about the changes evolving technologies have bought to our ecosystem, but we are moving quite slowly towards realising what it means for the next generation.

There was a time when kids need not think beyond one chosen area of studies. Once they excelled in that field, their career was set. However, this ‘Factory model’ of the education system is inadequate to fulfil the requirements of the children who will be working in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond.

To prepare for the future, a future based on the evolving technologies we need to think hard on how to impart them the knowledge required to be successful in the coming era. We need to take steps to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in the age of AI.

The 4th Industrial Revolution will be quite different from the previous ones as it will completely change our ecosystem and create entirely new ways for technology to exist in the world. These technologies will not work in isolation but will converge with another. Hence, changing the rule of the game considerably.

Future of our Children

Do you know that we are preparing our children for the kind of jobs that will be non-existent by the time they are ready to work? World Economic Forum in its “Future of Jobs” report has already predicted that “65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.”

To face these upcoming challenges, we have identified some key areas which we must develop and encourage in our kids.

Creativity: We are living in a time where Gig Economy has taken over the traditional job structure and changed the way people used to work and this kind of economy will flourish in the coming times. In a gig economy, there exists a free market system, in which temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend towards hiring independent contractors and freelancers instead of full-time employees. In such economy, creativity plays a major role. If we look at it then creativity is at the heart of all major inventions and what better way to use your creativity then to work for yourself. Hence, we must help improve our children’s creativity and make them ready for future work.

Coding: Coding is the second language your child must learn. Yes! It is that important. It helps children interact with machines and helps them understand the relationship between human and machines in a better way. Helping them hone this skill will prepare them for future opportunities that would equip them with a skill set that will be in demand in the future.

Communication: We all understand that our ability to communicate eloquently plays an important role in our success. Good communication skills are required in every aspect of our life and it will be more important in the world where machine handles most of your work however you need to be affable to your co-workers and communicate with them in the post-digital era.

Confidence: As the new era dawns upon us, we are moving towards a future that is unknown to us. Therefore, we must instil confidence in our kids that they can handle any situation that arises in future and allow them to make decisions without the fear of making mistakes or doubting their judgements.

We have already established the problem, now what remains is to start working towards changing how our children learn and prepare them for a better tomorrow.