Make your child “Digi-Famous” with BeSingular

BeSingular brings the unique chance to make sure child an online star.
All your child has to do is –
Write and send us an article on any topic / project that relates to technology, and that’s it! If the article is good we will publish it on our online publication – BeDigital, and also share it through our social media channels.

    Your child gets
  1. Maximum social coverage
  2. Chance to become a reliable voice in the tech space
  3. Added credit to their CV for future benefit

An opportunity to share digital space with industry biggies like – Kyle Nel, Pascal Finette, Gina Scala , Nicholas Henderson, and many other notable names

    Here are some guidelines to help your child write a great article that could get selected:
  1. The article should have 3 parts – a heading, a subheading, and a body
  2. Keep the word limit between 500-800 words
  3. Go deep with your research
  4. Cite your sources
  5. Add visual and interactive elements to your article, such as images, embedded videos and hyperlinks, to make it more attractive and engaging
  6. Let your personal style shine through your words. You are free to get creative with the piece – Put your own spin to it!

    You can submit your entries Here.
    Best of luck!