What Is A Digital Mindset?
Digital isn’t just about people, it is about technology too. In today’s digital era, people and technology go hand-in-hand, in order to grow efficiently. Therefore, it becomes almost mandatory to have a digital mindset while operating in the current education and business landscape, so as to incorporate it in one’s daily life and keep learning from it.

A digital mindset isn’t simply about being tech savvy and knowing how to use technology, but it largely depends upon how we adapt to it, our behaviours towards digitization, seizing digital opportunities, as well as growing with it. So far, only organisations depended heavily on technologies like social media, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and more, but with the changing landscape owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, colleges, and every other institution is adopting digital technologies too. For every education and business sector to thrive today, digital strategies need to be implemented that take into account how the world is transforming, owing to technology.

Why Is A Digital Mindset Important?
Look around you. You are reading this on a device right now. Your children are learning online on devices that you, for so long kept them away from. Your spouse is working on another device. Clearly, there is no escaping technology, right from children’s projects and classes to work presentations and meetings, everything is online. Along with the future of education, the future of work too has shifted online, which makes it imperative for both, you and your child, to befriend tech and grow with it. You’ve definitely noticed how your child’s world has changed during this lockdown. Online gaming, online classes, online tests, online projects – it’s all online. Have you noticed how your world has changed in the last few months? Work culture has changed and organisations are going through major shifts, which means not only does your child lead a tech-based future, but so do you. You both have an equal role to play in it.
Here’s a look at how organisations make a digital mindset the need of the hour:

  • Larger companies are breaking down into start-ups, with each one focused on solving a specific problem. Yet, they continue to stay connected with other members of the organisation for further business development and strategies.
  • Innovation centres are being set up to solve people’s problems hands-on and expand quickly. This isn’t just being done in larger organisations, but steps are being taken by the government too.
  • A flexible work culture has been adopted, owing to which organisations are no longer physical. You are already working from home and may continue to do so for the rest of your life, thanks to technology which makes it simpler to stay connected and complete work efficiently from anywhere, at any given time.

Now all of this means only one thing; to take on the future you need not just think digital, but become a digital leader too. Here are steps you need to take in order to become a successful digital leader:

  • Think BIG – if you are applying technology to one aspect of your life, think about implementing it in various other aspects that make life simpler.
  • Think of technology as a STRATEGIC move, not just an operational one.
  • Leaders don’t just think, they also ACT – be one of those who delves into technology rather than spending all of their time analysing it.

At BeSingular, we have always stressed on the importance of upskilling. Not only building your own skills, but your child’s too. While we may still work offline and avoid certain technologies, there is no way the next generation can do that. A digital mindset is the present and certainly the future, so the wisest thing to do is adopt it right away so you can inculcate the same in your child too. Set goals and work towards creating a radically innovative future of abundance – for yourself and GEN Z!