A child’s exposure to future technology in today’s modern era is a requirement rather than a choice. Parents at times are worried and want to curb his/her exposure towards smart future technologies. However, recent studies confirm our view point that active technology or screen time can actually help develop and improve a child’s learning ability if used appropriately.

Let’s look at ways in which your child can benefit from future technology:

  • Enhanced Hand-Eye Coordination
    When a child uses future technologies his interest pikes. He also explores different avenues available to him. E-books and online stories helps him to learn new words and there proper pronunciation. In the process he also expands his vocabulary.
  • Develops Language Skills
    When a child uses future technologies his interest pikes. He also explores different avenues available to him. E-books and online stories helps him to learn new words and there proper pronunciation. In the process he also expands his vocabulary.
  • Establishes Critical Thinking Skills
    Exposure to screen time also means that a child develops critical thinking skills at an early stage. This is an important skill that can help him later on in life.
  • Social Interaction & Communication Skills
    Interaction skills or communication skills are as important as language skills. Language is learnt so that we can communicate with each other. Children while working on technology interact with each other and hence learn to communicate with peers.
  • School Readiness And Cognitive Development
    Technology can only be meaningful at an early stage if it prepares children for formal education. It helps children to read and also develops their mathematic skills.
  • Develops Problem Solving Skills
    Working on Future Technology can also help develop a child’s problem solving skills. If introduced earlier to the latest technology they learn to solve problems through their own thinking process.
  • Expands Horizons
    Technology expands a child’s horizon, it exposes him to a world far away from him but which is much more interesting and exciting to a child’s mind. A child living in a remote area might not get the opportunity to visit a zoo but he can still see a giraffe or an elephant up close through technology. This helps them understand that there exists a life beyond their home and school.

Technology if introduced cautiously and under adult supervision can benefit your child. The impact of technology is lifelong.  It helps to enhance his social, critical, creative and problem solving skills that can help him in the later stages of his life.