
Test Blog

This is the testing blog for the mailpoet

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Creating A Healthier Society

In the wake of COVID-19, as we all struggle, and our healthcare staff works day in and day out to save us, AI and ML could give us some hope....

The Need For A Digital Mindset

What Is A Digital Mindset?Digital isn’t just about people, it is about technology too. In today’s digital era, people and technology go hand-in-hand, in order to grow...

Coding Is The New ABC

Gone are the days when coding was only for the geeks. Today and more so for a brighter tomorrow, coding is a life-skill that cannot be ignored.

To Go Digital Or Not? Rising Of The New World Order

In the times of COVID-19, digital presence and life have taken a different turn with increased screen time. Read on to find out how you can turn this bane...

Future Is Here. Are We Ready?

The current education system is more or less based on some rigid rules which we have been following since time immemorial. Frankly, it is quite outdated and does not...

Why Exposing Young Children To Modern Technology Is Good?

A child’s exposure to future technology in today’s modern era is a requirement rather than a choice. Parents at times are worried and want to curb his/her exposure towards...

Artificial Intelligence: A Fad or An Essential Skill?

Nowadays, we hear a lot about AI. But then what is AI? Is it truly going to change the world as some experts say? Read on to find...

Introducing Children To STEM Toys

STEM toys aren’t something commonly known to all, simply because the education system doesn’t emphasise on them enough. These toys integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)...